Monthly Archive: April 2007

Political opinions in inappropriate places

I’ve become a big fan of podcasting. You can find a free subscription on just about any given topic. My personal favorites swing between podcasts about Adobe products and anything having to do with writing and publishing, and I tend to veer away from podcasts with a political bent. I’ve tried a few here and […]

Weighing in on Popular Debates–Freehand vs Illustrator or InDesign

Let me be perfectly blunt about this: I do my page layout in InDesign. I’ve used Freehand before–though it’s been a few years now and I have Illustrator on both my systems and resort to it more and more frequently. Based on what the programs were designed and marketed to be, Freehand and Illustrator are […]

Technical debates: Mouse or Keyboard

I’m fascinated by the different ways that graphic designers work. Coming to it late in the game and with no “formal” education, I haven’t been “taught” a way to work and I have developed my own workflow based on what’s comfortable to me. And because of Adobe’s fleet of software being mostly driven by a […]