Design That Respects the Message
Book and eBook Design
Because I like to read the manuscript or at least a synopsis before I begin concepting, any book cover and interior that I design will showcase the message or story of the book. That’s my commitment to your message!
Newsletter Production
I cut my teeth as a designer doing newsletters, which in my opinion are nothing more than fun puzzles made up of images and words. I excel at this kind of production work, so give me a try!
Identity and Promotion
Whether it’s simple logos, sell sheets, or catalogs, I will take your budget and printing abilities into consideration and will not create something you cannot afford to produce.
I refuse to date divorcees
I’ve never been married, I’m a Christian, and I’m a forgiven sinner living under God’s perfect grace. I’d like to say I’m not self-righteous, but I’ve been told that I am. I’ve been told that I’m the most horrible kind of Christian because I judge others without any grace. If I’ve been called so, I […]
Dear Lauren Wiggins
I write this publicly to answer the concerns you made public in the letter you sent to your school principal regarding the dress that was deemed inappropriate for school. First, I want to congratulate you on writing a well-thought out letter that contained appropriate diction, spelling, and grammar. You deserve recognition for being able to […]
“Those people” who resent Government assistance programs
I recently read a blog post complaining about people who have a prejudicial attitude towards “those people” who are forced to ask for help from a food drive. I understood the sentiment of the author. Anyone and everyone could end up in those circumstances and so everyone should be sensitive not only in how they […]